Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are these examples of legal thefts, ie, injustice, ie, theft, ie, cause of violence [war and crime],

univeral misery and millenia-long escalation of war and weaponry to nuclear extinction [soon] - ie, do we have to stop these legal thefts in order to survive and be happy [peace]?

can we determine the point of maximum fortune beyond which fortunes are from legal thefts, ie are overfortunes, thefts, injustices?

1] workvalue of transaction items cannot be equal, ie, must be x and x+y, therefore transaction must be fair-trade-no-robbery [x for x] plus legal theft = y

2] buy land, do nothing, others build city round land, landowner gets the net capital gain [after costs of owning the land] - eg, waldorfs [manhattan], westminsters [london]

3] new technology - built-in high demand/low supply - [everyone wants one, industry gearing up] - owners profit without work

4] rich can afford more stockmarket info - so do better - so stockmarket pumps money from less informed to better informed [eg, film, trading places]

5] 100% of workers build nation - the 10% stock owners reap all

Are these examples of legal thefts, ie, injustice, ie, theft, ie, cause of violence [war and crime], cause of?microsoft word download

Legal, yes. Theft, no. Cause of war, not usually. Greed and lack of love %26amp; of other moral values are the prime causes of war, not injustices.

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