Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I uninstalled IE 7, but sometimes the icons for IE still show the 7 type icon. What can I do to reme

Uninstalled IE 7, rolled back to IE 6, IE 7 icons still showing in different places?

I uninstalled IE 7, but sometimes the icons for IE still show the 7 type icon. What can I do to remedy this?microsoft sql server


I uninstalled IE 7, but sometimes the icons for IE still show the 7 type icon. What can I do to remedy this?windows themes internet explorer

hey its not a problem...

IE7 files stored in a register file...

when u install IE6...

It upgrade thst registry file...

so its look like this.... its not a problem...
it cannot be done actually the new i.e. 7

have been removed so no worries

but the icon stays the same ... as it is

related and overwritten to i.e. older icon ...

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