Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why is YM using IE proxy settings, and how do I stop it? I cant login unless IE proxy is right -work

At work, I sit behind a firewall / proxy. At home w/ the same laptop, I am direct connect (DSL). When I transition, I have to reconfigure YM to use / not use the proxy. Fine, I'm used to that. Since installing YM 8.1 and IE7, I can't login to YM unless the IE proxy is also set correctly. I have to change the YM proxy, *and* change the IE proxy (even though I am not using IE, although IE is my default browser).

Why is YM using IE proxy settings, and how do I stop it? I cant login unless IE proxy is right -work vs xp themes

many programs on windows use the internet connection data form MS IE.

changing that is a issue with the construction of the programs. and you dont hava access

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