Wednesday, November 25, 2009

IE Explorer 7?

I downloaded the IE 7

it installed like an upgrade to 6

but I lost all my plugs, flash ect...

anyone else have this prob? WHile I like the tabbed browser part the tool bar layout wastes a lot of space...

for those of you still wanting it go here

IE Explorer 7?internet explorer 7

you better go to tools and options....

we can even customize the options ....

as for as concerned...

on more thing IE7 is still in beta testing its would be better to try it after it has been released....

for time being why dont you try Mozilla firefox... its cool lite and amazingg... even you can try opera browser also...

even opera is quite impressive..

IE Explorer 7?microsoft word internet explorer

Yes. I had the same problem, it does not take too long to re-download them though, as and when they are needed. It's still only in beta testing, but I'm using firefox at the mo because I cant ask questions on IE7, it wont show the category's properly.
i had no such problem.

i don't know why
I had no such problem..wonder why? Anyways an alternative that you could use is the MSN toolbar. You can use that with your IE 6 and it supports tabbed browsing too!!!

As everyone else pointed out IT IS A BETA, so you could wait till the full release!
I did not have that problem although that may be because I have Macromedia Flash MX 2004 the paid for version.

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