Wednesday, November 25, 2009

IE won't connect?

My mother's pc is connecting to the internet, however IE won't load. The page comes up blank and just reads as "IE is connecting". It seems to freeze the pc and shut down is necessary. I cannot access any website from her pc, and even Norton's freezes when trying a Live Update. Any idea of what the problem is and how I can fix it?

IE won't connect?internet explorer

Tell your Mom to switch to DSL for the price difference today its worth it. There must be a connection problem somewhere that is causing this problem.If your Mom is running Windows XP try a system restore and go back to a day the connection worked.If not try this go to control panel and then network connections and double click on the connection your Mom is using.Click on support and then click on repair see if that works.I'll list some links in source to help you troubleshoot the problem.

IE won't connect?microsoft office internet explorer

Sounds like it cant connect to the internet if it doesnt dispaly a webpage and also cant conenct to nortons live update.

Check you internet connections settings and leads.
Do you have Firewall SW active. You could try with this off and also see that failing applications have trusted access.

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